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Cavalier x Mini Poodle
This is one of the most popular designer cross breeds in Australia! They are a small (5-12kgs), friendly and affectionate companion breed. They are the perfect combination of the sweet and gentle Cavalier paired with the intelligent and playful Poodle.They will always be individual in looks and personality. Many will not shed any hair and can be perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming. They will fit in well to any household, routine and lifestyle. They definitely prefer to be indoor dogs and love being around their family.

Beagle x Cavalier
This cross is an active, food motivated and intelligent breed with a weight range between 6-15kgs. They are the perfect combination between independence and loyalty. They can live as indoor or outdoor pets and get along excellently with other animals. They are gentle in nature which makes them perfect for families or young children. They will shed hair, however they will require no grooming.
Mini Dachshund
This small breed (3-7kg) is known for being clever, lively, courageous and affectionate. They are of a medium activity level and great for apartment or house living. This breed is ideal for anyone seeking an independent, intelligent and indoor breed. They do not cope well with stairs due to their body shape and will require living in flat environments or the use of a ramp if stairs are present.
Japanese Spitz
This small breed (10kg) is active, intelligent and independent growing to approximately knee height. They have a white, long and thick double coat which comes from their arctic ancestors. They are part of the spitz family which is known for being working sled dogs in the arctic parts of the world and share many similarities between Huskies and Pomeranians. They would be a perfect companion for anyone with an active lifestyle who will have the time to spend outdoors and act as leader of the pack.
Pug x Jack Russel Terrier
This is a small, compact sized dog weighing under 10kg. They are a popular cross among those who love pugs but would prefer a higher activity level and with less breathing problems. They have short fine coats and are ideal for owners who are seeking low/no grooming. The Jack Russel adds intelligence, energy and an alert inquisitive nature to complement the gentle and affectionate personality of the pug. They are an excellent addition to any family with young children or other animals.
This is a toy sized breed weighing between 3-6kg. They are the smallest member of the Spitz family and descendants of large sled dogs - a pocket sized pal with huge personality and boundless energy! They are intelligent, independent and head strong companions who love nothing more than being part of a pack. They have a thick, water proof double coat that protects against all weather. They come in a variety of colours and are known best for their feather plume tails and a pointed fox like face. They make excellent watch dogs, lap dogs and entertaining companions.
This breed is active, intelligent and loyal. They are a medium sized dog ranging between 8-15kg. They are excellent companions and affectionate additions to any family. They are gentle in nature and are perfect for anyone with young children or a multi pet household wanting a dog that fits into an active lifestyle. They are notable in looks due to their long wavy ears and proud, regal stance. They will shed hair however, will require less grooming than poodles and other breeds.
Pug x Cavalier
This is a small, affectionate and playful breed that will grow to be under 10kg. They are one of the most popular pug cross and perfect for those who adore the pug breed but would like to avoid the health problems. Both of the personality traits of this cross are gentle, loving, quirky and low maintenance social companions. They are well suited to apartment living and work well as only dogs or a companion to an existing animal. Their gentle and patient nature make them a great addition to any family with young children. They enjoy small amounts of exercise and love to play.
Maltese x Mini poodle
This breed is small (4-7kg) but mighty in personality! They have a non shedding, hypoallergenic coat which is perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming. In this cross the intelligence of a Poodle compliments the stamina and confidence of the Maltese, resulting in an affectionate and playful indoor breed. Being a cross breed they will vary in colours, sizes, looks and personalities.
This toy breed can be deceiving, what they lack in size they make up for in big personality! These are the worlds smallest dogs averaging between 2-5kg. They were historically bred for rat hunting, making them intelligent, fast and agile companions. These days they are solely kept as companion pets who will often bond to one member of the family. In general they prefer to live as only dogs, but can get on well with other animals. They are well suited to apartment living and will be a fun loving, entertaining addition to any home with the right training and pack leader.
Cockerspaniel x Mini Poodle
This cross is a combination of active, intelligent and loyal breeds. They are a medium sized dog ranging between 8-15kg. Many will not shed any hair and can be perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming. They are a fantastic mix of the independent and alert Poodle paired with the gentle and playful nature of the Cockerspaniel. They would be suitable as indoor or outdoor dogs however, they would prefer to spend most of their time with family.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This is one of the worlds most gentle and loving breeds! They are small dogs (5-12kg) bred purely for companionship which is highlighted by their sweet nature and goofy personalities. This breed is not known for their intelligence however their love for food and their eagerness to please makes for easy training! They are best known for their long wavy ears and large puppy dog eyes - while they will shed hair they will require less grooming and maintenance than a poodle and other breeds.
Shihtzu x Mini Poodle
This cross is a small (5-8kg) affectionate companion dog. They have a non shedding, hypoallergenic coat which is perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming. They are an indoor breed that prefer to be around the family and sitting on laps. They are the perfect combination of the laid back Shihtzu and the intelligent Poodle.
Pug x Beagle
This cross will be compact and small, ranging between 6-12kg. They are the perfect combination of the intelligent and loyal Beagle with the gentle low maintenance Pug. The Beagle characteristics will add a higher activity level and for this reason they are not recommended as apartment living dogs. Both of these breeds have a short coat and will require no grooming. This cross is particularly known for their love for food and insatiable appetite which makes training especially easy.
Mini Schnauzer
This small (10kg) compact breed comes with the whole package - Intelligence, affection, loyalty and an extroverted personality. Historically they were used as hunting and guard dogs, however today they are better known for being companion animals. They are famously known for their box shaped build, long eye lashes and long grey beards. They have a non shedding, hypoallergenic coat which is perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming.
Maltese x Shihtzu
This small cross breed ranging between 4-7kg would be the perfect spunky companion for anyone who wants a lap dog with a medium activity level. They have a non shedding, hypoallergenic coat which is perfect for allergy sufferers, however will require regular grooming. The independent and intelligent nature of the Maltese excellently compliments the laid back and loving Shihtzu resulting in an affectionate indoor dog perfect for families with young children.